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 Título: Re: >> Fotos da Reunião da ACOMDERJ 03/nov/2007
MensagemEnviado: Seg Nov 12, 2007 1:03 pm 
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Registrado em: Ter Dez 05, 2006 2:44 pm
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Oi Sphinx,

não recebi a sua MP, não. De qualquer modo, o colecionador de Jeeps lá de Santa Catarina me enviou um e-mail informando que já possui o Jeep Bombeiro da Minimac. Vou falar com o Eli na próxima reunião da ACOMDERJ sobre isso.
Desculpe-me não ter respondido antes mas, o fim-de-semana foi bastante atribulado para mim.
Ainda não encontrei a matéria sobre a NOREV (embora já tenha começado a procurar) nas minhas revistas. São cerca de 70 revistas (entre Diecast Collector e Model Collector) e, realmente, vou ter que lhe pedir um pouco de paciência até encontrar a reportagem.
Um abraço. :D

 Título: Re: >> Fotos da Reunião da ACOMDERJ 03/nov/2007
MensagemEnviado: Seg Nov 12, 2007 2:44 pm 
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Registrado em: Sex Dez 01, 2006 8:42 am
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Localização: Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brasil.
Bandeira Nacional: Brazil
Sendo mais uma vez chatíssimo...
Quando não quiseres mais algumas dessas, lembre-se de mim, ok!
Rs, rs, rs...

ACoMDERJ: visite em
 Título: Re: >> Fotos da Reunião da ACOMDERJ 03/nov/2007
MensagemEnviado: Seg Nov 12, 2007 8:33 pm 
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Registrado em: Qui Nov 30, 2006 5:15 pm
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Localização: Corupá-SC
PEKAL escreveu:
Aguardem Senhores.

Os Catarinas não vão deixar por menos.

Dia 24/nov.......... início de uma nova era do colecionismo catarinense.

2008 será MUITO diferente.


Em tempo: pelo jeito o encontro estava muito legal. Parabéns aos assíduos frequentadores. ;)

É isso aí Pekal, vamos botar lenha na fogueira!!!

Parabéns pelo encontro no RJ, pelo jeito foi muito animado, belas fotos tb.

 Título: Re: >> Fotos da Reunião da ACOMDERJ 03/nov/2007
MensagemEnviado: Qui Nov 15, 2007 10:27 pm 
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Registrado em: Qui Nov 30, 2006 5:50 pm
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Localização: Rio de Janeiro_RJ
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(Anglia Models Co)
Joseph Veron started the firm called Norev in Lyon, France in 1953. The first Norev models
were made in plastic (which is what the Anglia is made of) to 1:43rd scale. From 1971 Norev
started producing their models in diecast metal, to various scales and are still going strong today.

(Excertos de discussão no Die-Cast Chile):
Norev fue fundada en 1945 por los hermanos Paul, Emile y Joseph Veron (y de ahí el anagrama Norev), y se dedicaba esta compañía a las miniaturas en general, pero fue recién en 1975 que toman moldes de la serie 800 de Schuco (cuando decide esta otra marca descontinuar sus autos de 3"), añadieron algunos propios, y lanzan la serie Mini Jet.

Los primeros moldes originales de Norev son espartanos, pero se hicieron en colores simples, además que representaban autos muy interesantes, lo que le ha valido a esta marca el respeto de los coleccionistas.
Citroen CX:
Este auto es el único de los Mini-Jet antiguos que tengo que abre las puertas. Esta característica fue eliminada rápidamente; como las puertas no estaban reforzadas con resortes, con el uso se soltaban, y cuando los autos empezaron a venir fijos, no fue gran pérdida. El interior es parte de la base. Este Simca 1510 es ya de esa nueva generación, que además traía una pieza separada para el interior:
Para 1994 (la calidad ya había decaído bastante) Norev deja de hacer la serie Mini-Jet. Pero para el 2000 Norev revive, y su actual factura es mucho mejor. Aunque le llamen para coleccionistas adultos, a mí me recuerdan mucho a lo que hace Siku, que es un juguete de muy alta calidad. Los focos son insertos de plástico, lo que es un detalle que hoy se usa en autos de estándar alto, pero la escala es imprecisa y son más bien robustos, para aguantar juego... Yo estoy contento de todos modos. Juzguen ustedes, este Citroen Xsara Picasso

( L'angolo delle auto e delle moto ):
Breve storia della Norev

L'azienda Norev fu creata in Francia, nel 1946, da Joseph Veron, al fine di produrre giocattoli. Veron scelse, come nome della sua impresa, il suo cognome scritto al contrario; in questo modo, egli ottenne il nome "Norev". Nel 1953 l'azienda iniziò a costruire modellini di automobili, con aspetto realistico, usando un tipo di plastica detto Rhodialite. Essi ebbero successo. La Norev continuò ad essere presente sul mercato modellistico fino agli anni '80, quando dovette chiudere, a causa di difficoltà economiche. Nel 1989, però, l'impresa fu rifondata ed ha continuato l'attività fino ad oggi (febbraio del 2007). Oltre a produrre modelli destinati ai negozi, la nuova Norev realizza anche miniature vendute, in Italia e in Europa, tramite le edicole, in abbinamento con le collane di fascicoli.

Tra le serie di modelli prodotte dagli anni '50 agli '80, si possono ricordare:

la serie delle miniature in Rhodialite, in scala 1:43, che furono popolari negli anni '50 e '60;
la serie "Les Microminiatures", venduta dalla fine degli anni '50 alla fine degli anni '60. Era composta di modelli in Rhodialite e in scala 1:86;
la serie "Jet-Car", prodotta dal 1971 agli anni '80. Comprendeva modelli in metallo, con ruote veloci e scala 1:43;
la serie "Minijet", formata da modelli di piccole dimensioni, in metallo e dotati di ruote veloci.
Attualmente i modelli della Norev sono raggruppati nelle seguenti serie:

modelli di automobili e motocicli, in scala 1:18;
riproduzioni di motociclette, in scala 1:24. Questa serie è stata messa in vendita nel 2006;
modelli di automobili, furgoni e autobus, in scala 1:43;
nuova serie "Minijet", che comprende modelli lunghi circa sette centimetri, i quali raffigurano vari tipi di automezzi;
modelli di autoveicoli in scala 1:64. La vendita di questa serie è iniziata nel 2006;
nuova serie "Les Microminiatures", che è descritta in un'apposita pagina di questo sito.

(Model Collector Magazine):
Based near Lyon in France, Norev was founded in 1946 by Joseph Veron (Norev spelled backwards). In 1955 it started producing 1/43rd scale cars in plastic. The earlier releases were additionally made available as mechanical versions: likewise most of the initial toys were of French prototypes.

The company also produced a number of the cars in a smaller 1/86th scale (as Microminiatures), and during the 1960s offered a range of French family cars of the 1920s to 1940s, these being in 1/43rd scale.

In 1971 the company moved into die-cast production, although rather unusually continued to offer the same models in plastic. The range which was offered, in 1/43rd scale, was extremely extensive, comprising mainly cars.

In the late 1970s some of the 1/66th scale products of Schuco were marketed in France under the Norev name.

In the late 1970s there was a return to 1/43rd scale plastic, mainly of trucks.

Problems arose in the 1980s, mainly caused by the more competitive market place, and the more aggressive marketing approach adopted by Majorette (by that time having acquired Solido). Such competition is perhaps surprising, given that there existed a family connection between Novev and Majorette. For a while the company tried production in the Far East and a manufacturing arrangement with the Vitesse Group in Portugal.

Later, in the late 1980s, Norev decided to appeal more to collectors, often re-issuing past products, but with higher specifications.

Many of the Norev models have subsequently been presented as Eligor. However, not all, and today the brand name of Norev is still in use, producing, among other items, some fine diorama accessories such as shop fronts., and has now expanded into 1/87th scale.

Sergio Luis dos Santos
Rio de Janeiro - Brasil
 Título: Re: >> Fotos da Reunião da ACOMDERJ 03/nov/2007
MensagemEnviado: Qui Nov 15, 2007 10:52 pm 
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Registrado em: Qui Nov 30, 2006 5:50 pm
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Localização: Rio de Janeiro_RJ
Bandeira Nacional: Brazil
Sphinx, Jack Odell - LLedo:

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John William "Jack" Odell, OBE (March 19, 1920 – July 7, 2007) was the English inventor of Matchbox toys and the engineer responsible for their unique design. [1] He joined with partners Leslie Smith and Rodney Smith to form Lesney Products. [2]

The company initially made small products for cars such as dashboards and doorhandles. Odell designed a small steamroller in 1952 for his daughter to take to school. It proved to be a big hit for her for his daughter and her friends. The company started manufacturing small toys to meet the demand with a million copies of a small coach sold during the coronation of Queen Elizabeth II in 1953. The first car, an MG TD roadster, came out in 1954. [1]

By 1966, more than 100 million Matchbox toys were sold each year. Odell retired in 1973 but returned in 1981 when Lesney had run into financial problems.[2] The company was declared insolvent in 1982 and sold to Universal Toys. [1]

He founded Lledo, a small vehicle manufacturing company, and was active in that business until 1999 when he retired.[2] Odell had Parkinson's disease when he died in July 2007.[1]

Model Collector Magazine:
Jack Odell had already endeared himself to the model collector by introducing the Models of Yesteryear range while at Matchbox. However, after he left Matchbox, that company went into receivership. Jack was able to buy some of the die-casting machinery from the receivers, and thereby established his own company which he called Lledo.

Lledo is Odell spelt backwards, and was Jack's radio call sign during the war.

The first products from Lledo were released in 1983 and were branded as 'Models of Days Gone', and of the initial six releases, five were horse-drawn, plus a Model T Ford. Three of the horse-drawn were a reminder of Matchbox days: a milk float had been included in the '1 - 75' Series, while a bus and fire engine were featured as 'Yesteryears'.

One of the key points which endeared Lledo to collectors was the fact that the products were made in England: until the end of 1999 most had been produced at Enfield, and it was only in the latter years that part was moved to the Far East.

However, demand for the 'Models of Days Gone' from enthusiasts was over estimated, and so the company was pleased when its started receiving requests for 'commissioned' models and those of a promotional nature, such as 'on-pack' offers.

Unfortunately, this created its own problems, because so many items were being produced, and not all were readily available to collectors. Lledo decided to split its products into two categories. 'Models of Days Gone' were on general sale. However, the 'Days Gone' dies could also be used for commissioned models, separately branded as 'Promotionals' (later the brand name 'ProMotors' was adopted).

Some of the 'Days Gone' range were specially packaged for sale through the Tesco supermarket chain, and appeared under the name of 'Auto Club'.

A series of more toy-like vehicles was attempted called Marathons, but these did not prove popular.

Jack Odell was always a firm believer that the key to his products was that they should fit a standard box and be sold at a uniform, reasonable price. He was not bothered about scale, and not over concerned about total accuracy. Pressure was brought to bear to produce scale models, albeit Jack was not in agreement.

At first certain of the 'Days Gone' range were classified as Vanguards, being more accurate models of more recent (1950s and 1960s) vehicles, until a separate 'Vanguards' brand was launched in 1996. This was of models to constant scales: 1/43rd for cars and light commercials, and, unusually for the British market, 1/64th for large commercials.

Entering into a highly competitive area of the market, it was necessary to move production of some of the Vanguards to the Far East in order to keep the price acceptable.

Away from its main ranges, the company was particularly successful with models of Land Speed Record cars, including a series produced for an on-pack promotion. The cars so produced have included Thrust SSC.

Jack Odell decided the time had come to sell Lledo: the buyer was the HCG Group (Hobbies, Collectables, Gifts) in March 1996, but after a while this group went into receivership. Nevertheless, the bank continued production of the Lledo ranges, while seeking a buyer for the operation. Unfortunately, no buyer came along, and so Lledo itself was put into receivership, with Corgi buying the brand names and dies at the end of 1999. Thus both 'Models of Days Gone' and 'Vanguards' continue, albeit Corgi has moved all production to the Far East, and no further manufacturing is undertaken at Enfield.

Sergio Luis dos Santos
Rio de Janeiro - Brasil
 Título: Re: >> Fotos da Reunião da ACOMDERJ 03/nov/2007
MensagemEnviado: Sex Nov 16, 2007 9:00 pm 
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Registrado em: Sex Dez 01, 2006 8:42 am
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Localização: Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brasil.
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Caramba Doc, mas, é coisa pacas.
Por lá (nas curiosidasdes) só precisamos de pequenos detalhes para fazer uma notinha de curiosa.
Mas, para o futuro, talvez possamos fazer algo sobre Lledo e a Norev com este material.
Por hora, estou concentrado no básico.
Como é já leste o texto?

Outra. Se tem coisa errada na notinha da Lledo e Norev diga lá...
Acho que parece bom a intenção maior era dar o detalhe dos nomes invertidos.

ACoMDERJ: visite em
 Título: Re: >> Fotos da Reunião da ACOMDERJ 03/nov/2007
MensagemEnviado: Sex Nov 16, 2007 9:04 pm 
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Registrado em: Sex Dez 01, 2006 8:42 am
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Localização: Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brasil.
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Rapaz, mundando de prumo...
Que cara interessante foi esse tal de Odell!
A ele quem gosta de 1/64 deve muito!

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